I have a SQlite database gets populated when ever someone adds a filename and dir to it, then I want the script to read the newest 3 entries (done with the "LIMIT 3") then I want this script to take those 3 entries and start the "script1.sh" for each of them, then once the script1 has finished one of the 3, I want it to look back into the SQlite database and check if there are any new entires and repeat. (so kinda like a queue) NOTE, at the end of script1.sh there is a command that will delete it's entry from the SQlite DB.
So basically I want the script to check the SQlite DB each time one script1.sh script finishes.
So far I have:
sqlite3 /database.db "SELECT * FROM main ORDER BY mKey ASC LIMIT 3" | while read file
fileName=`echo "$file" | awk '{split($0,a,"|"); print a[2]}'`
echo "$fileName"
#Run script
./script1.sh "$fileName" "$file"