



How do I view directories that begin with dot and how do I browse application directories in Netbeans?

I can't seem to view directories that begin with a "dot" through the open file dialog in Netbeans. Similarly, I can't browse any application directory e.g. File->Open File->"". Attempting to browse "" gives the error " is a directory".

Altering or removing the regex under Preferences->Miscellaneous->File->Ignored Files Pattern has no effect; directories that begin with dot stay invisible.

I'm on OSX 10.5.8 and I've tried to get this working on netbeans 6.5-6.8 to no avail. I posted this to the on the netbeans irc and mailing list but haven't heard anything back. Any help would be appreciated!


If it's using the global finder prefs, you can show them system wide with

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder

If you want to do it on a file by file basis (both show and hide), look into the SetFile utility script.
