Due to a variety of design decisions, we have a table, 'CustomerVariable'. CustomerVariable has three bits of information--its own id, an id to Variable (a list of possible settings the customer can have), and the value for that variable. The Variable table, on the other hand, has the information on a default--in case the CustomerVariable is not set.
This works well in most situations, allowing us not to have to create an insanely long list of information--especially in a case where there are 16 similar variables that need to be handled for a customer.
The problem comes in trying to get this information into a select. So far, our 'best' solution involves far too many joins to be efficient--we get a list of the 16 VariableIds we need information on, setting them into variables, first. Later on, however, we have to do this:
CROSS JOIN dbo.Variable v01
LEFT JOIN dbo.CustomerVariable cv01 ON cv01.customerId = c.id
AND cv01.variableId = v01.id
CROSS JOIN dbo.Variable v02
LEFT JOIN dbo.CustomerVariable cv02 ON cv02.customerId = c.id
AND cv02.variableId = v02.id
-- snip --
CROSS JOIN dbo.Variable v16
LEFT JOIN dbo.CustomerVariable cv16 ON cv16.customerId = c.id
AND cv16.variableId = v16.id
v01.id = @cv01VariableId
v02.id = @cv02VariableId
-- snip --
v16.id = @cv16VariableId
I know there has to be a better way, but we can't seem to find it amidst crunch time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.