



I browsed amazon but the reviews of all the avaialbe firefox books are pretty discouraging. And the documentation on is not really good either.

I need to develop a plugin that puts the browser in push mode - waiting on a socket until it receives a URL from there and displays this URL in the current tab.

What would you recommend as readings other then


You want too much. There can't be a step by step tutorial on implementing every possible extension imaginable. There isn't a "Getting started tutorial on creating a push-mode browser".

If you described in more detail what you're trying to, you could get a real answer.

Right now I can only point you to

I know thats why i looked for a book at amazon first. But all them seem to be very out of date. Firefox is now complex system so i would love to buy it. My problem is that i'm developing an IDE and this IDE must control a web browser. This is only possible if i write a extension/plugin that has 100% control of firefox and where i can do features like controlling firebugs, displaying web pages when the use presses a key in the IDE (without making firefox taking the focus) etc.
Firefox also changes rapidly, so any printed book will be out of date quite soon; also, like with any software the documentation could be better. So your best bet is to just dive in and ask questions as you go.