I'll present a method to solve this problem without even understanding the solution.
Assuming that you are familiar with the fibonacci numbers:
ghci> let fib = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fib (tail fib)
ghci> take 16 fib
And are also familiar with its closed form expression:
ghci> let calcFib i = round (((1 + sqrt 5) / 2) ^ i / sqrt 5)
ghci> map calcFib [0..15]
And you notice the similarity of ((1 + sqrt 5) / 2)n and (3 + sqrt 5)n.
From here one can guess that there is probably a series similar to fibonacci to calculate this.
But what series? So you calculate the first few items:
ghci> let calcThing i = floor ((3 + sqrt 5) ^ i)
ghci> map calcThing [0..5]
Guessing that the formula is of the form:
thingn = a*thingn-1 + b*thingn-2
We have:
27 = a*5 + b*1
143 = a*27 + b*5
We solve the linear equations set and get:
thingn = 4*thingn-1 + 7*thingn-2 (a = 4, b = 7)
We check:
ghci> let thing = 1 : 5 : zipWith (+) (map (* 4) (tail thing)) (map (* 7) thing)
ghci> take 10 thing
ghci> map calcThing [0..9]
Then we find out that sadly this does not compute our function. But then we get cheered by the fact that it gets the right-most digit right. Not understanding why, but encouraged by this fact, we try to something similar. To find the parameters for a modified formula:
thingn = a*thingn-1 + b*thingn-2 + c
We then arrive at:
thingn = 6*thingn-1 - 4*thingn-2 + 1
We check it:
ghci> let thing =
1 : 5 : map (+1) (zipWith (+)
(map (*6) (tail thing))
(map (* negate 4) thing))
ghci> take 16 thing == map calcThing [0..15]