




i have this data and i am trying to find cases where there are different ids but duplicate data in Field 1,2,3,4

id    field1 field2 field3 field4    
====  ====== ====== ===== =======    
1       A      B     C      D    
2       A      B     C      D    
3       A      A     C      B   
4       A      A     C      B

so, in whatever way possible, in this case i want it to somehow show me:

1 & 2 are duplicates 3 & 4 are duplicates

+2  A: 

Instead of SELECT DISTINCT, select the fields and a count of rows. Use HAVING to filter out items with more than one row, e.g:

select field1
      ,count (*)
  from foo
 group by field1
having count (*) > 1

You can then join your original table back against the results of the query.

should rather be eg. `count(id)`, which is more effective!
Andreas Niedermair

SELECT * FROM [TableName] WHERE ID IN( SELECT MIN(ID) FROM [TableName] GROUP BY CONCAT(field1, field2, field3, field4))

This will return the full row for id's 1 & 3

concat concatenates the string values. CONCAT('AA','B','C','D') is equal to CONCAT('A','AB','C','D'), although this is not duplicate data. "SELECT * FROM [TableName] WHERE ID IN( SELECT MIN(ID) FROM [TableName] GROUP BY field1, field2, field3, field4)" will give the minimal id of each unique data set.
Renze de Waal
+1  A: 
Esben Mose Hansen