Hi guys.
This is related to other question. But never mind it. I've fixed part of it.
I have a DataGrid, its data provider is a ArrayCollection, and i want it to parse all itens in it (Object Type) to a String.
For that I've done a "for each" loop, it manages to get the Object and its values, but if i have more that one object it only gets the last object, don't know why.
First i will show how these items are added to the ArrayCollection, that way you will understand the rest much easily.
In the Main Application i have the ArrayCollection:
<mx:ArrayCollection id="collection">
Then in other Component there is a Add Item Menu, and when you add a item:
private function fazerEncomenda():void
var novoitem:Object;
novoitem = new Object();
novoitem.id = "consumivel"+getProdInfo.lastResult.consumivel.id;
novoitem.tinteiroid = getProdInfo.lastResult.consumivel.id;
novoitem.label = getProdInfo.lastResult.consumivel.nome;
novoitem.ref = getProdInfo.lastResult.consumivel.refmarca;
novoitem.marca = getProdInfo.lastResult.consumivel.marca;
novoitem.genero = genero.text;
novoitem.quantidade = quantidade.text;
Then in another component the DataGrid as its dataProvider Binded to the ArrayCollection
<mx:DataGrid id="compras" x="0" y="0" width="556" dataProvider="{Application.application.collection}" editable="false">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="ID" dataField="tinteiroid" visible="false"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Nome" dataField="label" width="120" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Ref" dataField="ref" width="100"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Marca" dataField="marca" width="100"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Género" dataField="genero" width="155"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Quantidade" dataField="quantidade" width="81"/>
And when a Button is pressed the function to get all Objects and its values to an String.
And in this function its where it only gets the last item, in the ArrayCollection.
for each (novoitem in compras.dataProvider)
finish += "TinteiroID:"+novoitem.tinteiroid+"#TinteiroLABEL:"+novoitem.label+"#TinteiroREF:"+novoitem.ref+"#TinteiroMARCA:"+novoitem.marca+"#TinteiroGENERO:"+novoitem.genero+"#TinteiroQUANTIDADE:"+novoitem.quantidade+"#FIMPROD#";
And of course the Vars used in the function:
private var finish:String;
private var novoitem:Object
As you see in the finish var i used +=
so it adds it self and the next object. Instead he adds null. And only one null event if there was 3 items before.
Don't know whats the problem with this loop.
Please Help. I'm loosing my mind here.
PS: Sorry for any bad English, its been 3 hours in this. And no progress.
EDIT: Missing Vars Declaration Added