I have a post on my blog on how to make this exact component Here.
You create a basic custom MXML component (extending in this case, VBox). You specify a programmatic skin, which is where the bevel and gradient gets applied.
The programmatic skin does all it's drawing in the updateDisplayList function.
Here is some of the code (the rest is on my blog, with a demo)
var g:Graphics = graphics;
var cn:Number = this.getStyle("cornerRadius");
var crtl:Number = this.getStyle("cornerRadiusTopLeft") > 0 ? this.getStyle("cornerRadiusTopLeft") : cn;
var crtr:Number = this.getStyle("cornerRadiusTopRight") > 0 ? this.getStyle("cornerRadiusTopRight") : cn;
var crbl:Number = this.getStyle("cornerRadiusBottomLeft") > 0 ? this.getStyle("cornerRadiusBottomLeft") : cn;
var crbr:Number = this.getStyle("cornerRadiusBottomRight") > 0 ? this.getStyle("cornerRadiusBottomRight") : cn;
var gradFrom:Number = this.getStyle("gradientFrom");
var gradTo:Number = this.getStyle("gradientTo");
var b:EdgeMetrics = borderMetrics;
var w:Number = unscaledWidth - b.left - b.right;
var h:Number = unscaledHeight - b.top - b.bottom;
var m:Matrix = verticalGradientMatrix(0, 0, w, h);
g.beginGradientFill("linear", [gradFrom, gradTo], [1, 1], [0, 255], m);
GraphicsUtil.drawRoundRectComplex(g, b.left, b.top, w, h, crtl, crtr, crbl, crbr);
for a demo, look Here. Hope this helps.