I'm getting very odd errors when compiling our Data Access library (all subsonic). Errors are
Error 35 The type name 'Web' does not exist in the type 'S3.DACL.System'
C:\Projects\S3\src\DACL\AspnetUser.cs 369 63 DACL
Error 37 The type name 'ComponentModel' does not exist in the type
C:\Projects\S3\src\DACL\AspnetPersonalizationPerUserController.cs 19 13 DACL
and they are on all of my subsonic generated classes.
I've got 2 projects -- a Web project and then a class library called DACL. My web.config subsonic stuff is like this:
<add name="S3" connectionString="data source=ServerName;initial catalog=Cat1;
user id=usenrame;password=password;" />
<SubSonicService defaultProvider="S3">
<add name="S3" type="SubSonic.SqlDataProvider, SubSonic"
connectionStringName="S3" generatedNamespace="S3.DACL"/>
I had these error earlier tonight, but that was due to a type of the default provider parameter.
Anyone have any ideas why I am getting these errors? I'm desparate and have been banging my head against a wall for the last hour.