




I have svn working, because when I type in svn help it gives the svn commands showing me it's installed. How do I set my svn url? I have my SVN via Beanstalk, I just need to figure out how to get the files from beanstalk to my computer using my Mac oSX terminal :)

+5  A: 
svn co <url> <path>

will checkout the working copy from repository to path.


There are two parts in Subversion, the client and the server.

The client is what you have just tested, it can connect to a server to checkout and commit files, among other things. You can find a well-written manual here.

The server hosts the repositories, the data of the projects that is shared among developers.

If you are on your own, you have to setup a server, you can check here how to do that. If you don't want to go through the trouble of setting up a server, there are services like Google Code, that will host it for you (but then it will be public).

I'm afraid you will have to precise your question to get further help :-)

thanks. i have edited my question which hopefully helps others in helping me :)
+1 for the link to the manual, but -1 for the misinformation about requiring a server. If you are working independently, you do not need to set up a server. You can keep the repository on the same machine as your working copies and access it with the subversion client using URL's begginging with "file:".
Stephen C. Steel
Once you have created a repository there (they have a FAQ), you can use the checkout command (co): `svn co <URL> [<directory>]` to do a first checkout to your local <directory>.