How can I get the same handeling of casting for user-defined types as built in, eg:
float a = 5.4;
std::string s = a;//error, no conversion avaible
int x = a;//warning, possible data loss
int y = (int)a;//fine
int z = static_cast<int>a;//fine
float b = c;//warning, possible data loss
Now say I have my own Int and Float class, how do I go about getting the same errors and warnings?
class Int
int value;
Int(int v);
class Float
float value;
Float(float v);
Int c = 10;
Float a = 5.5;
std::string s = a;
Int x = a;
Int y = (Int)a;
Int z = static_cast<Int>a;
Float b = c;
I'm aware of creating overloaded cast operators, and using constructors, however I don't know how to make this work correctly for implicit and explicit casts, eg consider. If I dont add explicit casts within those methods, then I get a warning when there compiled but not when their call, and if I do, then I don't get an error within the classes code, but I still don't get a warning when there used either.
I'm guessing there is some way as to mark the cast operator as explicit, so that a warning is generated if it tries to cast implicitly, but not with explicit (either C-Style or static_cast) casts)
EDIT: Ok I think I get it for cases like this where all types in question are fully, known, but what about times when one or both are templates, and that neither types map onto a built-in type?
template<typename T> class Vector2
T x, y;
Vector2(T x, T y):x(x),y(y){}
//Works as expected, warning if adding T and T2 is unsafe, or error if
template<typename T2>Vector2<T>& operator += (const Vector2<T2> &v);
//Also works as desired
Vector2<T>& operator *= (T s);
//allows the conversion, but always generates warnings if
//T and T2 would, even if this constructor is used by an explicit
//case. How can I suppress the warnings for the explicit cast, but
//not for implicit casts?
template<typename T2>Vector2(const Vector2<T2> &v);//uses implicit conversion form T2 to T
An implicit cast from say Vector2 to Vector2 works as expected, but the cast from say Vector2 to Vector2 always causes (2, one for x and one for y) warnings, even if a explicit C-Style or static_cast was used. I want to keep the warnings for the implicit cast, but not the explicit casts.
I know I could hack around this be creating a special T vector_cast(T2) type method that uses explicit casts for each element internally, but Id rather be able to use the C-Style and static_casts