




I got a asp site hosted in a iis server. In the server there is a virtual folder products and whenever a url like is provided it is forwared to page.

I would like to know from where we can change that settings?

These settings or tasks can be done from where?



Does the folder "products" or file "abc_11.asp" physically exist on the webserver? There are many ways to accomplish the task of having a sepcific url forward to another url.

  1. There are URL rewritting ISAPI addons for IIS, like ISAPI_Rewrite. ISAPI_Rewrite will have a httpd.ini file either in the ISAPI_Rewrite installation folder or the physical folder for the website.

  2. II6 has the ability to redirect a request for a folder or a file to another location. This is configured by viewing the properties for the folder or file in the IIS Admin. On the Directory/File tab you will see 3 radio buttons, one of which is "A redirection to a URL".

  3. The file can physically exists and in it is code to redirect the user.

Mike J
I was sorry but later i got discover that there exists a physical file abc_11.asp as mentioned above. Now it has been solved. They are not using url_write or any other but created a physical file dynamically n called a function of another file while the physical path is called.Thanks all for help.

If non of mike's suggestions match your setup it's also possible to accomplish the redirection using a custom 404 error page.

  • See what is specified for 404 in IIS for the website on the "Custom Errors" tab
  • If the type is "URL" rather than "File" then I'd say there's a good chance that code in the file that the URL specifies is performing the redirection