




Every time I checkout my site from my repository. I notice most of my files that I have are excluded. So I have to go hunt down every file and include it in the project. This is very annoying.

I am using Subversion and tortiseSVN for windows.

What do I need to do to stop this?

+1  A: 
Michael La Voie
+1  A: 

Not sure I understand correctly, but after you have added the files to your project, did you commit the project file?

If not, the files will still be excluded when you checkout the project the next time.

This could be. I usually do not include it since there are some changes in it to add nunit to VisualStudios and each computer has a different path. I was not aware that it controlled these things. The weird thing though is that I have other solution files(in the same project) where I do commit the project file and I still get this problem. But I just uploaded the project file for the one I normally do not commit and it solved the problem. So not sure why it solves one problem but not the rest.
I am also having problems with references. It sometimes does not add all the system dll references I have. So got to compare them against computers to make sure all are found.
After making changes to the project file, make sure that you save everything in Visual Studio before you commit the files (e.g. by compiling the solution).
@chobo2 - What kind of project is this? Does it happen to be a Web Site project?
Michael La Voie
@The Lame Duck - This is an mvc website.