



How do I save a file with transparency to a JPEG file without Qt making the transparent color black? I know JPEG doesn't support alpha, and the black is probably just a default "0" value for alpha, but black is a horrible default color.

It seems like this should be a simple operation, but all of the mask and alpha functions I've tried are ignored when saving as JPEG.

For example:

image->load("someFile.png"); // Has transparent background or alpha channel
image->save("somefile.jpg", "JPG"); // Transparent color is black

I've tried filling the image with white before saving as a JPEG, converting the image to ARGB32 (with 8-bit alpha channel) before saving, and even tried ridiculously slow stuff like:

QImage image2 = image1->convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
image2.setAlphaChannel(image1->alphaChannel());, "JPG", this->jpgQuality; // Still black!

See: for a visual.

Jpeg doesn't support transparency

Martin Beckett
I know (see second sentence). I just want it to save transparency as white, rather than black.
+4  A: 

I'd try something like this (i.e., load the image, create another image of the same size, paint the background, paint the image):

QImage image1("someFile.png"); 
QImage image2(image1.size());
QPainter painter(&image2);
painter.drawImage(0, 0, image1);"somefile.jpg", "JPG");
Lukáš Lalinský
This code got me on the right track. Your idea of using the QPainter to paint the incoming image over a manually draw white background worked. You have my thanks.I wish there were a faster way to do this, but for now I am content that it works at all.
Well, the fastest way is probably doing it yourself. You can use `bits()` to get the raw data, iterate over it, check if `qAlpha()` of a pixal is below 255, blend the color with white.
Lukáš Lalinský

True if you want to use Alpha Chanel (Transparent) you should save the imge in *.png *.bmp formats

Please read the question completely -- I mention that I am aware that JPG does not support transparency in the second sentence.Neither does *.bmp, by the way.The problem was that, when saving to JPEG *from* an image with transparency, the transparent values are interpreted as black.