
To avoid the black corners you have to make sure that the UITableViewCells are not opaque. It looks like you're using custom styles table cells and the default value for opaque is YES. Either go to Interface Builder and uncheck the opaque checkbox if the table cell was set up in a XIB file. Or use the setOpaque:NO setter to change value.

Because the table cell view still has a rectangular frame even with the rounded corners the cell view and not the actual table view is causing those black corners.

Not at my Mac at the moment so I'll check that out later. But if they aren't opaque, won't the table cells end up transparent and hence not white?
Being not-opaque isn't the same thing as having an alpha value < 1.0; it's more an optimization to the drawing system, to let the OS know whether it has to do more expensive compositing, or can just assume the view fills its whole frame.
Sixten Otto

Just in case you weren't already aware, there's another neat technique you can use to make customized backgrounds for UITableViews:


Not quite as simple as setting the background as you're doing, but it gives you a lot more flexibility and can scale to any table size.

Ray Wenderlich

My guess is that it's related to something that you're doing in your custom table view cells. You might want to experiment with setting the cell background color to [UIColor clearColor].

Frank Schmitt

I think you should set the background color of your table as clearColor and initialsie your view with the background image.

Then it will definitely not show the black corners. But also don't forget to set the background color of your cell as white color

+2  A: 

Try this in your controller's ViewDidLoad method:

meetingTableView.backGroundColor = [UIColor ClearColor];

hope it helps!

Imran Raheem