



I just copied a Visual Studio solution over from another computer. I haven't done any changes, but the Resharper testrunner takes forever to start up my mstests. When the tests are finally running, they run fast.

There's a JetBrains.ReSharper.TaskRunner.exe which consumes 48% of my total cpu on my dual core.

Visual Studio's internal test runner runs them all instantly.

(VS 2008, R# 4.5.1281 on Windows Vista 64. The other computer without the problems runs on Windows 7 RC.)


You should consider asking JetBrains why this happens

Anthony Shaw
I did that too. Still waiting for an answer, however I was hoping someone here already knew the solution.
Thomas Eyde

I got this reply in my mailbox today:

This is a known problem and we're doing our best to fix it. I'll let you know as soon as a fix will become available

Let's hope soon is not far away.

Thomas Eyde
have you considered moving to nUnit and avoid the awful mstests altogether?
Anthony Shaw
Unfortunately, that's not an option from where I sit.
Thomas Eyde

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