The Problem
I'm working on a problem that involves sharding. As part of the problem I need to find the fastest way to partition a large Ruby hash (> 200,0000 entries) in two or more pieces.
Are there any non O(n) approaches?
Is there a non-Ruby i.e. C/C++ implementation?
Please don't reply with examples using the trivial approach of converting the hash to an array and rebuilding N distinct hashes.
My concern is that Ruby is too slow to do this kind of work.
The initial approach
This was the first solution I tried. What was appealing about it was:
- it didn't need to loop slavishly across the hash
- it didn't need to manage a counter to allocate the members evenly among the shards.
- it's short and neat looking
Ok, it isn't O(n) but it relies on methods in the standard library which I figured would be faster than writing my own Ruby code.
pivot = s.size / 2
slices = s.each_slice(pivot)
s1 = Hash[*slices.entries[0].flatten]
s2 = Hash[*slices.entries[1].flatten]
A better solution
Mark and Mike were kind enough to suggest approaches. I have to admit that Mark's approach felt wrong - it did exactly what I didn't want - it looped over all of the members of the has and evaluated a conditional as it went - but since he'd taken the time to do the evaluation, I figured that I should try a similar approach and benchmark that. This is my adapted version of his approach (My keys aren't numbers so I can't take his approach verbatim)
def split_shard(s)
shard1 = {}
shard2 = {}
t = Benchmark.measure do
n = 0
pivot = s.size / 2
s.each_pair do |k,v|
if n < pivot
shard1[k] = v
shard2[k] = v
n += 1
$b += t.real
$e += s.size
return shard1, shard2
The results
In both cases, a large number of hashes are split into shards. The total number of elements across all of the hashes in the test data set was 1,680,324.
My initial solution - which had to be faster because it uses methods in the standard library and minimises the amount of Ruby code (no loop, no conditional) - runs in just over 9s
Mark's approach runs in just over 5s
That's a significant win
Take away
Don't be fooled by 'intuition' - measure the performance of competing algorithm
Don't worry about Ruby's performance as a language - my initial concern is that if I'm doing ten million of these operations, it could take a significant amount of time in Ruby but it doesn't really.
Thanks to Mark and Mike who both get points from me for their help.