I'm wondering if there's any other factors to consider for standard practice of using Subversion.
The few I have are:
Directory structure of /tags /trunk and /branches
All work is done in trunk which does not break functionality
Branch when major structural changes are made or when a feature is being added that breaks core functionality (subject to preference)
Tags contains stable releases
Always perform an update before starting work
Commit changes at end of the day / when a feature has been added
Commit notes contain a relevant description
Commit based on feature - don't blanket commit
I am in conflicted minds on the rule to commit at the end of the day and when a feature has been added. I say at the end of the day as to ensure the repository is as up to date as possible. However code at the end of the day may be incomplete/break functionality. However committing only when features have been completed can caused out of date/conflicts?
I'd appreciate your critic on any of my ideas and any of your ideas which I have missed out.