+1  A: 

if its run manually, meaning there is nothing wrong with the script... make sure you copy/move it in /etc/init.d folder and check your link files in rc[2345].d dirs.

maybe this question should be in serverfault.com

Abu Aqil
Yes, both of these things have been done already.
howbout ownership and permisions (chmod/chown)?
Abu Aqil
The permissions seem to be ok.

Have you added it to rc??

sudo update-rc.d hudson.sh defaults

It works for me...


At the risk of asking too basic of a question, I'm assuming the the su command in the start section of your script has "jcss-dev" in place of "the-user-account-name"?

Andrew B
Yes, that was just a placeholder for the post.
Is /home a local or NFS mount? I usually drop this kind of install in /opt. The only other thought I had was to make sure it starts as late in the boot order as you can.
Andrew B