Ryan Guill
2009-10-15 23:22:23
Weird. I just resorted to making a Skin implementation and applying it to a SkinnableContainer. I was compiling using the Beta 2 release of Flex 4 as well. Very strange indeed.
TK Kocheran
2009-10-18 03:17:53
I think Ryan Guill was talking about a nightly build, as opposed to the milestone beta 2 flex 4 build:, I recall having an issue similar to this where a top="0" bottom="0" left="0" right="0" fixed it for me. :/edit: sorry, I misread your question, read it as width="100%" height="100%"
2010-01-13 22:58:11
any chance you could post your solution's code? that'd be helpful.
2010-09-22 21:50:10