I am using AS3, I have a problem in displaying the datagrid. The Datagrid text not showing behind mask. If i put outside the mask, then the data(text) will appear. How do I display the datagridc text/data inside the mask layer?
System fonts don't display in a mask. You need to embed your font. The simplest way to do this is via a css file. The first example below shows how to embed a trueType font. The second example shows how you can embed a non-trueType font into Flash, then reference the resulting swf file.
@font-face { src: url(../fonts/MyriadWebPro.ttf); fontFamily: myriadPro; }
@font-face { src:url("../fonts/embededFonts.swf"); fontFamily: "Myriad Pro"; fontWeight: bold; }
2009-10-23 05:06:38