



I've got some Columns in a DataGridView that have their Binding property set to something like the following:

Binding="{Binding NetPrice}"

The problem is that this NetPrice field is a Decimal type and I would like to convert it to Double inside the DataGrid.

Is there some way to do this?

+1  A: 

I would create a Converter. A converter takes one variable and "converts" it to another.

There are a lot of resources for creating converters. They are also easy to implement in c# and use in xaml.

Your converter could look similar to this:

public class DecimalToDoubleConverter : IValueConverter   
    public object Convert( 
        object value,   
        Type targetType,   
        object parameter,   
        CultureInfo culture)   
        decimal visibility = (decimal)value;
        return (double)visibility;

    public object ConvertBack(   
        object value,   
        Type targetType,   
        object parameter,   
        CultureInfo culture)   
        throw new NotImplementedException("I'm really not here"); 

Once you've created your converter, you will need to tell your xaml file to include it like this:

in your namespaces (at the very top of your xaml), include it like so:


Then declare a static resource, like so:

    <converters:DecimalToDoubleConverter x:Key="DecimalToDoubleConverter" />

Then add it to your binding like this:

Binding ="{Binding Path=NetPrice, Converter={StaticResource DecimalToDoubleConverter}"
Thanks. I've used Converters before, I just thought that maybe there was an alternative with some of the simpler data types.