



I am trying to use a customized keyboard in my application, but I am hitting problems when trying to restrict it to one particular UITextField.

I based my code on this Xcode project (originally found on this blog). That code adds a custom UIButton (representing a 'decimal point') into the UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad keyboard view. It does it by subscribing to UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and modifying the keyboard when it appears.

That Xcode project works great, but when I add an extra UITextField, the custom key gets put into the keyboard for that text field too, even though I have selected a completely different keyboard type for that text field.

I attempted to register to only see UIKeyboardWillShowNotification notifications from the one particular UITextField, but that doesn't seem to work:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(keyboardWillShow:) name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification object:exampleViewController.textField];

I also tried to inspect the object inside the NSNotification passed to keyboardWillShow, but unfortunately it refers to the keyboard, not the UI control that caused the keyboard to appear.

2009-10-21 19:50:22.205 Example[6302:207] NSConcreteNotification 0x321ebd0 {name = UIKeyboardWillShowNotification; userInfo = {
UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey = 0;
UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey = 0.300000011920929;
UIKeyboardBoundsUserInfoKey = NSRect: {{0, 0}, {320, 216}};
UIKeyboardCenterBeginUserInfoKey = NSPoint: {160, 588};
UIKeyboardCenterEndUserInfoKey = NSPoint: {160, 372};


Am I misunderstanding the addObserver interface? Surely there must be a way to subscribe to notifications from a particular UI control?

Has anybody got any other suggestions on how to achieve this?


That project works great, but when I add an extra UITextField, the custom key gets put into the keyboard for that text field too.

You can set the keyboard type for a UITextField instance, e.g.:

[myTextField setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeDefault];


myTextField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeDefault;

Search the Xcode help on UITextInputTraits Protocol for a list of UIKeyboardType constants.

Alex Reynolds
I specifically set the other UITextField to use different keyboard types. Unfortunately the 'custom keyboard' code modifies any keyboard which appears, and I can't figure out how to distinguish which UITextField caused the UIKeyboardWillShowNotification notification to occur. I've updated the post to clarify that a bit more.
Dan J
+2  A: 

There is a new version of this project on my new site.

Here is the direct link. It uses multiple Text Fields.

Bryan S. Gruver
Using the UITextField .editing property to find out which field is currently being edited and hiding the custom button works great. Nice solution! I had tried adding a textFieldDidBeginEditing delegate to remember which field was being edited, but it was always getting called after the UIKeyboardWillShowNotification.
Dan J
Looks like a good solution. I had to distinguish between a UITextField and a UITextView, and the latter doesn't have an "editing" property. Instead, I'm using "[textView isFirstResponder]" to check if the text view was the view that triggered the keyboard. Works great.
Mirko Froehlich
Link changed..

I have achieved this before by comparing the object with the UI object that I am interested in. Like this:

if(notification.object == exampleViewController.textField) { ... }

John S. Eddie

Couldn't get any of the above to work. Had to do it manually:

if ([companyName isFirstResponder]) {
    // ...............
else if ([notes isFirstResponder]) {
Ajay Gautam