



I'm looking for example code for setting up a connection to a bluetooth device using the Bluetooth API in Cocoa. Apple used to include this type of example code in the XCode tools package under the /Developer/Examples/Bluetooth folder, but upon downloading the latest version of XCode (3.2.1), these bluetooth examples have been removed from that directory.

There is now a readme file located at /Developer/Examples/ReadMe.rtf that explains that all example code is on the ADC website. However, it seems that the ADC website does NOT include bluetooth sample code.

I've tried googling, but I can't seem to find any good examples for how to get bluetooth going on Mac OS X with Cocoa. Can anybody help me out? I wish I had copied those examples to a backup location before updating to XCode 3.2.1! Curses, Apple! Why have you taken them from me?

+2  A: 

You can do what I've done: download an old copy of XCode and use Pacifist to extract what you need.

Thanks! This was the quickest way to get the example code I wanted. The older version of the tools (3.1.4) are on the developer website, and Pacifist is a great little app for extracting just the parts I needed.
+2  A: 

Let Apple know you need these by filing a bug report (enhancement request) at

Done - problem number 7451594
Antony Stubbs

Ahh.. i can't find 3.1.4 on the Apple website. Maddening.

They're still there, as long as you've got a (free) account with the Apple Developer Connection site. To get the tools, go to the Mac Dev Center site (, then click "Member Site" and log in. Next, navigate to the downloads page, and find the section for developer tools. In the list of tools downloads, you'll find version 3.1.4.