



Basically I have the following class:

class StateMachine {
StateMethod stateA();
StateMethod stateB();

The methods stateA() and stateB() should be able return pointers to stateA() and stateB(). How to typedef the StateMethod?

+2  A: 

My philosophy is don't use raw member function pointers. I don't even really know how to do what you want using raw pointer typedef's the syntax is so horrible. I like using boost::function.

This is almost certainly wrong:

class X
    typedef const boost::function0<Method> Method;

    // some kind of mutually recursive state machine
    Method stateA()
    { return boost::bind(&X::stateB, this); }
    Method stateB()
    { return boost::bind(&X::stateA, this); }

This problem is definitely a lot harder than first meets the eye

Heh, I saw your earlier answer. This is probably the best compromise there is; I was discussing this on IRC and have come to conclude that a typedef referring to itself is probably a "too hard" problem.
Chris Jester-Young
Though, in the inner boost::function0, don't you have to provide a return type, and have that recurse again?
Chris Jester-Young
Could be, I'm not sitting at a compiler
This sounds like the perfect job for a Y combinator written in the template metaprogramming language
Doesn't it just! Argh, static typing can be a pain sometimes, if you ask me....
Chris Jester-Young
@1800 INFORMATION: yeah, my first thought was "well, I'll just write a Y Combinator up on typedefs... oh boy. :("
+3  A: 

EDIT: njsf proved me wrong here. You might find static casting simpler to maintain, however, so I will leave the rest here.

There is no 'correct' static type since the full type is recursive:

typedef StateMethod (StateMachine::*StateMethod)();

Your best bet is to use typedef void (StateMachine::*StateMethod)(); then do the ugly state = (StateMethod)(this->*state)();

PS: boost::function requires an explicit return type, at least from my reading of the docs: boost::function0<ReturnType>

Simon Buchan
Yeah, that's a "break type-safety" approach as I mentioned in the question comments. It's too bad, really. I do wish there's a way to solve this cleanly. Maybe C++0x will provide a way?
Chris Jester-Young
No, this is actually *impossible* with an eagerly evaluated type system - not just C++'s. You would need a lazly evaluated type system.
Simon Buchan
+12  A: 

GotW #57 says to use a proxy class with an implicit conversion for this very purpose.

struct StateMethod;
typedef StateMethod (StateMachine:: *FuncPtr)(); 
struct StateMethod
  StateMethod( FuncPtr pp ) : p( pp ) { }
  operator FuncPtr() { return p; }
  FuncPtr p;

class StateMachine {
  StateMethod stateA();
  StateMethod stateB();

int main()
  StateMachine *fsm = new StateMachine();
  FuncPtr a = fsm->stateA();  // natural usage syntax
  return 0;

StateMethod StateMachine::stateA
  return stateA; // natural return syntax

StateMethod StateMachine::stateB
  return stateB;

This solution has three main strengths:

  1. It solves the problem as required. Better still, it's type-safe and portable.

  2. Its machinery is transparent: You get natural syntax for the caller/user, and natural syntax for the function's own "return stateA;" statement.

  3. It probably has zero overhead: On modern compilers, the proxy class, with its storage and functions, should inline and optimize away to nothing.

Can't cast Member function pointers to regular function pointers, but otherwise cool. I should point out that you are still just sugaring the cast :).
Simon Buchan
I haven't done any C++ development for 5 years, and have gladly forgotten about member function pointers.Yes, I agree that it is just sugar for the cast in your answer :)
If you change the typedef it should be okay though right? typedef StateMethod (StateMachine:: *FuncPtr)();
Yes, though njsf's is cooler, and smaller :)
Simon Buchan
Ah, that's the syntax I was reaching for. Thank you!
+8  A: 

Using just typedef:

class StateMachine {  


  class StateMethod;     
  typedef StateMethod (StateMachine::*statemethod)();   

  class StateMethod {  

    statemethod   method; 
    StateMachine& obj; 


    StateMethod(statemethod method_, StateMachine *obj_)  
      : method(method_), obj(*obj_) {} 

    StateMethod operator()() { return (obj.*(method))(); }  

  StateMethod stateA()  { return StateMethod(&StateMachine::stateA, this); }  

  StateMethod stateB()  { return StateMethod(&StateMachine::stateB, this); }  

Damn. Proved me wrong, forgot class types are lazy :)
Simon Buchan
+1  A: 

I can never remember the horrible C++ function declspec, so whenever I have to find out the syntax that describes a member function, for example, I just induce an intentional compiler error which usually displays the correct syntax for me.

So given:

class StateMachine { 
    bool stateA(int someArg); 

What's the syntax for stateA's typedef? No idea.. so let's try to assign to it something unrelated and see what the compiler says:

char c = StateMachine::stateA

Compiler says:

error: a value of type "bool (StateMachine::*)(int)" cannot be used to initialize 
       an entity of type "char"

There it is: "bool (StateMachine::*)(int)" is our typedef.

Assaf Lavie