



Here we have have an SVN repository with a trunk and a branch for development on a new release.

The branch is nearing ready for release now so I decided to reintegrate the branch back down to the trunk. Obviously there were some conflicts. Including quite a lot of tree conflicts from files that had been deleted in the trunk.

I resolved all the conflicts happily enough and committed the trunk.

The problem is that we then made a few more minor changes to the branch, so I went to reintegrate the branch again and all the same tree conflicts occurred. Resolving them isn't a problem, but there are quite a lot and it takes a while to check and resolve them all manually and I don't want to have to go through the same resolution processes every time I make a change and reintegrate. I had expected SVN to recognise that the branch had already been reintegrated once and only merge from the point the last reintegration had occurred.

When I open up the revision graph, it shows the trunk and the point that the branch was split off, but it doesn't show the merge. Should it?

Server: WinServer2003 (R2sp2), VisualSVNServer (1.7.2). Client: WindowsXP(sp3), I've been using TortoiseSVN (1.6.5) to do all of this, but I also have the command line client installed.

I do the merge by making sure I have the trunk up to date, and using TortoiseSVN to do a merge, and I select "Reintegrate a branch" when presented with the option dialog. I set the merge depth to "Working copy"

Am I handling this scenario incorrectly? Should I be doing something differently?

(Perhaps we have our repository layout wrong. We branched from the trunk, made all the changes for the new release in the branch, now the release is due we are merging the branch back down to the trunk. Perhaps this is the wrong approach, I've read about some people doing it the other way round, make all the changes in the trunk, and make the branch only when you are nearly ready for release and the branch becomes the supported release version)

+7  A: 

The following is from the end of this chapter of the SVN book:

In Subversion 1.5, once a --reintegrate merge is done from branch to trunk, the branch is no longer usable for further work. It's not able to correctly absorb new trunk changes, nor can it be properly reintegrated to trunk again. For this reason, if you want to keep working on your feature branch, we recommend destroying it and then re-creating it from the trunk

Bingo. That's exactly what I've been looking for - confirmation that my assumptions are invalid. I knew it would be in that dam book, it's just finding the relevant bit. Thanks.
Simon P Stevens

In this situation I would not merge code from the branch to the trunk until after you've completed the development.

I would merge from trunk to branch to ensure your branch is up to date with any fixes applied to the trunk. Carry out this activity periodically to ensure your dev branch contains all fixes. Then at the point at which the development becomes the live release do the merge from branch to trunk as a one off activity.

My answer makes a few assumptions including:

  • You have live trunk and dev branches
  • You have only one live version (i.e. not maintaining legacy versions)

Hope that helps.

Tom Duckering