




I'm just getting started with git and I have a question. My app has 10 other developers working on it, each one having their own branch like dev_XXXXX. So if I do a clone of the repository, do all of their code gets copied to my machine? In that case I dont want that. Suppose my branch is dev_swamy, how do I then clone just the stable branch and dev_swamy? Thanks.

+2  A: 

If you clone, all revisions in all branches are cloned along, but the cloned repository will check out master by default.

Just taking selected branches is trickier since git does not really think you should work that way. You have to pull down the branches manually:

mkdir repoclone
cd repoclone
git init
git remote add origin git://remote/url
git fetch origin master:master
git fetch origin dev_XXX:dev_XXX

Above is what I knew worked. However, if you want to set up a git repo that works as normal, just has a more narrow view of its remote branches? You can do that pretty easily:

mkdir repoclone
cd repoclone
git init
git remote add origin git://remote/url

# now open .git/config for editing in your editor
# replace the following line (grab all remote branches)
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

# replace with lines listing exactly which branches you want
fetch = +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
fetch = +refs/heads/dev_XXX:refs/remotes/origin/dev_XXX

# save the file, now run

git fetch
Aha! This is something I've been thinking about for a while - is there a way to clone only one branch. An interesting idea to turn it on it's head and fetch only what you need. But the first fetch generates this error: "fatal: Refusing to fetch into current branch refs/heads/master of non-bare repository"
Steve Folly
BTW with modern git you can use `git init repoclone`
Jakub Narębski
@Steve: Ah, you are right. You can replace with "`git fetch origin master; git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD`" to setup master.
@Jakub: "modern"? Not even 1.6.4 supports that. So more like absolutely latest git.
It's easier (in the long run) to add a fetch config for the remote which doesn't contain the default wildcard. Then you can keep the local and remote branches separate in the same way as you would for a normal clone and just use a simple `git fetch` for incremental updates.
Charles Bailey
@charles: You are right and I realized at the same time you wrote your comment.

I think the more important question here is what others will be pushing, not what you will be cloning or pulling. Since each developer is working on his own branch, another question is how you end up with a common code base. Are the developers merging their branches to master? And are they then pushing their changed master branch to a central repository? If that is the case, there is no way for you to pull the other developers' branches anyway.

If that is not the case, I fail to see how you can form a functioning team.

And as I final thought: I'd be curious to know why you wouldn't want to clone the other developers' branches to your repository?


Another way to do this is to avoid a direct clone, but instead manually add a remote with a custom set of fetch refspecs.


mkdir myclone
cd myclone
git init

git remote add origin url://origin.repo

# Add fetch rules for the branches that we want to track
git config remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/master:+refs/remotes/origin/master
git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/dev_swamy:+refs/remotes/origin/dev_swamy

# fetch now fetches just what we need, subsequently it will do incremental fetches
git fetch

# Creating local branches tracking the remote branches
git checkout -b master origin/master
git branch dev_swamy origin/dev/swamy
Charles Bailey
+8  A: 

By default git clone would fetch all branches, but those branches would be stored as remote-tracking branches: for example branch 'dev_XXXXX' would be stored as 'origin/dev_XXXXX' (with 'refs/remotes/origin/dev_XXXXX' as full name). Those remote-tracking branches wouldn't be visible in git branch output: you would need git branch -r to list remote-tracking branches (or git branch -a to list all branches). If those branches do not diverge too much from mainline, they wouldn't take too much disk space in repository. Therefore I don't see why you want to clone only selected branches.

Nevertheless if you want to have a clone with only two selected branches, you can do it like this:

  1. First, create new empty repository

    $ mkdir repoclone
    $ cd repoclone/
    $ git init
    Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/repoclone/.git/
  2. Then add your repository under the name 'origin' (just like "git clone" would name it), requesting tracking of only two branches: 'master' and 'dev_swamy', using "git remote" command. Check that it was added correctly.

    $ git remote add -t master -t dev_swamy origin [email protected]:repo.git
    $ git remote 
    $ git remote show origin
    * remote origin
      Fetch URL: [email protected]:repo.git
      Push  URL: [email protected]:repo.git
      HEAD branch: master
      Remote branches:
        master          new (next fetch will store in remotes/origin)
        dev_swamy new (next fetch will store in remotes/origin)

    If the stable branch is called 'stable' rather than 'master', you would have of course to modify above example. Also there is -m <branch> option if you want specified branch to be default branch in remote.

  3. Fetch from 'origin' (you could do this also by using -f option to "git remote add" above):

    $ git fetch
    remote: Counting objects: 282, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (193/193), done.
    remote: Total 282 (delta 82), reused 0 (delta 0)
    Receiving objects: 100% (282/282), 81.30 KiB | 135 KiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (82/82), done.
    From [email protected]:repo.git
     * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
     * [new branch]      dev_swamy -> origin/dev_swamy
    From [email protected]:repo.git
     * [new tag]         v1.0       -> v1.0
     * [new tag]         v1.0.1    -> v1.0.1
     * [new tag]         v1.1       -> v1.1
  4. Set up local branch 'master' (where you would do your work) to follow 'origin/master' (to have 'origin/master' as upstream), just like "git clone" would do:

    $ git checkout -t origin/master
    Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.
    Already on 'master'

    You can repeat this for branch 'dev_swamy'.

  5. Now you can see how config file looks like. You can get exactly the same result by editing .git/config file to look like the following, and then doing "git fetch".

    $ cat .git/config  # or just open this file in your editor
            repositoryformatversion = 0
            filemode = true
            bare = false
            logallrefupdates = true
    [remote "origin"]
            url = [email protected]:repo.git
            fetch = +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
            fetch = +refs/heads/dev_swamy:refs/remotes/origin/dev_swamy
    [branch "master"]
            remote = origin
            merge = refs/heads/master

Don't forget to introduce yourself to Git before starting work on repository (i.e. set 'user.name' and 'user.email' config variables; usually in per-user config file)!

Jakub Narębski