
How to stop git via ssh on windows from resolving the wrong path?

I have a windows 2003 box with an ssh server setup. I have msysgit (git version 1.6.2) installed both locally and on the server. The server has the following absolute path to my repos: e:\vc\git\myrepo.git when a user logs in he/she will be put in the following working directory: e:\vc\git\ When running the following cmd on my de...

Can I "disable" git-clone over http?

I'm using git to manage a tiny project. I've been performing all of my transactions (clone, push, pull, etc) through SSH, but recently ran git-update-server-info because I wanted to experiment with running git-clone over http. It worked great. Cool. Now I realize though that anyone can clone my repository over http without any creden...

Git svn clone: How to defer fetch of revision history

I often have the case that I want to work on a SVN repository right away. But an ordinary git svn clone [url] also clones the entire history. So I want to speed things up. The first part is to fetch only the last revision into your Git repository. I do it like so: URL= REV=`svn info $UR...

Preserve git remotes.

I have fixed network of git remotes and I would like them to be attached to repository. Unfortunately git-clone doesn't clone remotes. Is there a way around it? ...

Clone just the stable and one other branch in git?

I'm just getting started with git and I have a question. My app has 10 other developers working on it, each one having their own branch like dev_XXXXX. So if I do a clone of the repository, do all of their code gets copied to my machine? In that case I dont want that. Suppose my branch is dev_swamy, how do I then clone just the stable br...

Making cloned repository in git the master

I have two git repositories: report.git (Master on remote location) cloned.git (Local) I lost report.git. I have the cloned.git. I want to clone other repositories from this cloned.git. This is possible but my question is am I missing something? Is cloned.git really the same as the master report.git? cloned.git still points to the M...

how to merge cloned git repository with the original repository

we are using git on a lan of computers and we have a central repository on one machine, every developer has to clone the repository and work on his one machine. but how to merge all this repositories together in the central repository ? ...

In SVN you can check out a portion of the file structure, can you do the same in GIT

In SVN you can checkout a portion of a repository ie: Can you do the same when you git clone? As I cannot get this to work Thanks ...

git-clone and post-checkout hook

According to the manual, the post-checkout hook is run after a git checkout (just as expected) but also after a git clone (unless you pass --no-checkout). Very well, now, considering the following: you don't have a local repository before a git clone hooks are not synced between remotes hooks stored in a custom template directory used...

Cloning a repository without making it the origin remote

I'm cloning a git repository from a computer that's going to be wiped. Is it possible to clone a repository without making the original repository origin/master? Or do I need to clone it, and then delete the remote branch (which is done with git remote rm origin)? Edit: The repository has only one branch, and no tags. ...

How to automate git to automatically clone a repro on the server?

Hi! I have a repro in which I want to push changes. I want to sync two repositories: ./pages.git into ./pages. My git setup on my development machine pushes into pages.git. But the web-application works with ./pages. git clone pages.git pages fatal: destination path 'pages' already exists and is not an empty directory. Well now I d...

How do I clone over HTTP a repository that has no info/refs?

Given a repository served over HTTP whose owner forgot to chmod +x hooks/post-update, is there a workaround for cloning it? I tried running wget --mirror url, but rather than fetching the subtree only, it tried to mirror the entire site—which I assume happened due to the parent-directory links in the autogenerated index.html resources. ...

GIT clone repo across local file system

Hi all, I am a complete Noob when it comes to GIT. I have been just taking my first steps over the last few days. I setup a repo on my laptop, pulled down the Trunk from an SVN project (had some issues with branches, not got them working), but all seems ok there. I now want to be able to pull or push from the laptop to my main deskto...

Cloning git repository from svn repository, results in file-less, remote-branch-less git repo.

Working SVN repo I'm starting a git repo to interact with a svn repo. The svn repository is set and working fine, with a single commit of a basic README file in it. Checking it out works fine: tchalvak:~/test/svn-test$ svn checkout --username=myUsernameHere A charityweb/README Checked ou...

Is there a way to clone a repo without creating the containing directory?

I have this file structure: folderIWantStuffIn/ - old_stuff Now I want to add some new stuff that is in a git repo. I'd like to be able to use git clone and git pull right in the directory and get this: folderIWantStuffIn/ - old_stuff - new_stuff When I use git clone, I get this: folderIWantStuffIn/ - old_stuff - NewStuf...

Git repository gets corrupted when I do a large commit: "Possible repository corruption on the remote side"

Hi All, A friend of mine and I have been trying to use git for a project. It is hosted on his server, and I git clone it as: git clone [email protected]:/path/to/git/repos.git Pretty standard stuff, and it works great for a while. But every time one of us has added a large commit (which git supposedly handles very well), of the or...

Problems cloning a git repository (Newbie problems)

Hi there, Trying to set-up a git server on my local dev machine and have been following this website so far but am a little stuck when trying to clone a repository. In git bash, here's my output: $ git clone ssh://[email protected]:4837/ssh/home/Administrator/project1.git Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Git/project1/....

Git: Get the HEAD of a repository with the .git directory

Possible Duplicate: How to do a git export (like svn export) I'm looking for a single command that effectively does the following: git clone git:// --depth=1 rm -rf rails/.git Is there a command that does this? ...

Cloning a Git repo without the .git directory

Is it possible to clone a repository without git creating a .git folder inside the local copy of the repository? Sort of like a read only functionality? ...

Difference between a branch, fork and clone in git?

Can someone help me understand the difference between a branch, a fork and a clone in Git? ...