




I have used svcutil.exe to generate the service definition for a service that I am using. I want to produce an electronic document/help file from this output.

are there ny tools for doing this? All I need to produce is simply the properties and methods of the objects exposed by the service


EDIT: I need to clarify that the output has no XML comments. I am not to bothered about this but there are a lot of objects, methods, properties etc and all I really want is some electronic 'register' of what the service contains for example the CustomerService contains a GetCustomer call with a SearchCustomerRequest object and returns a CustomerResponse object - all I want are what properties are within these objects and what types they are and also what method calls are within each service

+2  A: 

Have a look at Sandcastle. It can created MSDN style documentation for your assemblies/WCF services (assuming that you've documented your contracts, interfaces and methods).


You could use the class designer to generate diagrams representing classes, inheritance, method signatures and properties. I think it is included starting from the Standard Edition.

Darin Dimitrov

Add complete xml tags to all your methods and properties, presuming you are using Visual Studio - generate the xml when you build and pass this into nDoc (my preference) or Sandcastle. The results can look very professional if you use the built in XML tags!

EDIT: As an alternative, you could use .NET reflector to get a readable version of the contract.

Philip Wallace