Hi, I am working on an assignment for an intro Datamining course. I am trying to figure out the time complexity of an algorithm (see below)? Is it linear/exponential/log/quadratic/polynominal? Any tips on how to approach a question like this would be much appreciated
Consider the following algorithm for finding the third smallest element in an array:
- Input:
n, a[1..n]
- array a of numbers, and n is its size, n>=3 - Output: - return 3rd smallest number
- Temporary variables:
b[1..3], t, i
b[1] = a[1]
b[2] = a[2]
if b[1] > b[2] then t=b[1]; b[1]=b[2]; b[2]=t
b[3] = a[3]
if b[2] > b[3] then t=b[2]; b[2]=b[3]; b[3]=t
if b[1] > b[2] then t=b[1]; b[1]=b[2]; b[2]=t
for (i = 4; i <= n; i = i+1)
if a[i] < b[3] then b[3] = a[i]
if b[2] > b[3] then t=b[2]; b[2]=b[3]; b[3]=t
if b[1] > b[2] then t=b[1]; b[1]=b[2]; b[2]=t
return b[3]