We were just assigned a new project in my data structures class -- Generating text with markov chains.
Given an input text file, we create an initial seed of length n characters. We add that to our output string and choose our next character based on frequency analysis..
This is the cat and there are two dogs.
Initial seed: "Th"
Possible next letters -- i, e, e
Therefore, probability of choosing i is 1/3, e is 2/3.
Now, say we choose i. We add "i" to the output string. Then our seed becomes
hi and the process continues.
My solution
I have 3 classes, Node, ConcreteTrie, and Driver
Of course, the ConcreteTrie class isn't a Trie of the traditional sense. Here is how it works:
Given the sentence with k=2:
This is the cat and there are two dogs.
I generate Nodes Th, hi, is, ... + ... , gs, s. Each of these nodes have children that are the letter that follows them. For example, Node Th would have children i and e. I maintain counts in each of those nodes so that I can later generate the probabilities for choosing the next letter.
My question:
First of all, what is the most efficient way to complete this project? My solution seems to be very fast, but I really want to knock my professor's socks off. (On my last project A variation of the Edit distance problem, I did an A*, a genetic algorithm, a BFS, and Simulated Annealing -- and I know that the problem is NP-Hard lol)
Second, what's the point of this assignment? It doesn't really seem to relate to much of what we've covered in class. What are we supposed to learn?
EDIT: I'm not looking for a solution, just an approach.