On Windows, several arguments are passed to the DllMain constructor:
__in HINSTANCE hinstDLL,
__in DWORD fdwReason,
__in LPVOID lpvReserved
From hinstDLL I can get the fully qualified file name of the DLL itself using GetModuleFileName():
LPTSTR str = new TCHAR[256];
int libNameLength = GetModuleFileName(hinstDLL, str, 256);
delete[] str;
In the example above, str now contains the full name of the DLL just loaded, e.g., C:\Windows\System32\MyFile.dll.
On Linux, no arguments are passed to the shared object constructor:
void `__attribute__` ((constructor)) on_load(void);
How do I get the full name of the DLL in this case? Extra credit if your solution works on Mac, too. :-)