Like most everybody, I hate distractions when I'm trying to concentrate. I don't always have the luxury to work in solitude.
The popular solution is to listen to music on your earphones to drown out the distractions. However, this does not work for me. The music is either too emotional, reminding me of something and thus distracting, or just distracting in itself.
Recently I watched this presentation of the excellent TED series: The Four Ways Sound Affects Us
He suggests listening to birds might be the way to go.
Two questions: 1. Anybody tried it out yet? 2. Where can I download a playlist of bird/jungle songs? Anybody have anything like this?
EDIT: I have already tried the following:
- White noise - doesn't work too well, is too unnatural; the idea of bird song (watch the presentation) is not only to block distraction, but also to soothe you, to provide cues that it's safe and all is well
- Ear plugs - work to an extent, but are a bit unhygienic and offputting, especially if someone comes to your desk to talk