Hello, I was trying to use an STL list in C++ and I arrived into a strange exception that I'm not able to understand.
The list is defined as list<ASTNode*> m_stats;
and ASTNode*
is a class. When I try to add elements by calling
ASTNode *node = new ASTNode();
it throws the following exception:
Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000004
0x91c20fe7 in std::_List_node_base::hook()
I tried to debug with gdb and inspected value inserted, is it not null and it is exactly what it should be..
the backtrace is:
#0 0x91c20fe7 in std::_List_node_base::hook ()
#1 0x0000a9fb in std::list<ASTNode*, std::allocator<ASTNode*> >::_M_insert (this=0x180344, __position={_M_node = 0x0}, __x=@0xbffff094) at stl_list.h:1152
#2 0x0000aa27 in std::list<ASTNode*, std::allocator<ASTNode*> >::push_front (this=0x180344, __x=@0xbffff094) at stl_list.h:743
#3 0x0000aa45 in ASTStatements::addStatement (this=0x180340, stat=0x180410) at ast.h:277
Am I missing something?
EDIT: added class source
class ASTStatements : public ASTNode
list<ASTNode*> m_stats;
ASTStatements() {}
ASTStatements(list<ASTNode*> stats)
std::copy(stats.begin(), stats.end(), m_stats.begin());
ASTStatements(const ASTStatements &other)
std::copy(other.m_stats.begin(), other.m_stats.end(), m_stats.begin());
ASTStatements &operator= (const ASTStatements &other)
if (&other != this)
std::copy(other.m_stats.begin(), other.m_stats.end(), m_stats.begin());
ASTStatements *clone()
return new ASTStatements(*this);
u8 type()
return 0;
const char *generateASM()
list<ASTNode*>::iterator it = m_stats.begin();
while (it != m_stats.end())
void addStatement(ASTNode *stat)
u8 typeCheck()
return 0;
I used it in a bison grammar file to handle multiple statements (didn't find a better way to handle a generic list of items in a non terminal) in this way:
statement { if ($$ == null) $$ = new ASTStatements(); ((ASTStatements*)$$)->addStatement($1); } statements { $$->generateASM(); }
Thanks in advance