



This may seem like the worlds simplest python question... But I'm going to give it a go of explaining it.

Basically I have to loop through pages of json results from a query.

the standard result is this

{'result': [{result 1}, {result 2}], 'next_page': '2'}

I need the loop to continue to loop, appending the list in the result key to a var that can be later accessed and counted the amount of results within the list. However I require it to loop only while next_page exists as after a while when there are no more pages the next_page key is dropped from the dict.

currently i have this

next_page = True
while next_page == True:
     next_page_result = get_results['next_page'] # this gets the next page
     next_url = urllib2.urlopen("" + next_page_result)# this opens the next page
     json_loop = simplejson.load(next_url) # this puts the results into json
     new_result = result.append(json_loop['results']) # this grabs the result and "should" put it into the list
    except KeyError:
     next_page = False 
     result_count = len(new_result)
+2  A: 
new_result = result.append(json_loop['results'])

The list is appended as a side-effect of the method call. append() actually returns None, so new_result is now a reference to None.

Bastien Léonard
ok so how would i work around this?
Neil Hickman
Why are you being downvoted? You're absolutely correct.
Jed Smith
@Neil Hickman: You don't "work around it. `result.append` updates result. It has the new value. You can say `new_result=result` if you think it help, but `result` is updated by `append`. There is no return value: a new list is *not* created.
+1  A: 

You want to use

result.append(json_loop['results']) # this grabs the result and "should" put it into the list
new_result = result

if you insist on doing it that way. As Bastien said, result.append(whatever) == None

Paul McMillan

AFAICS, you don't need the variable new_result at all.

result_count = len(result)

will give you the answer you need.

+4  A: 

Alternate (cleaner) approach, making one big list:

results = []
res = { "next_page": "magic_token_to_get_first_page" }
while "next_page" in res:
    fp = urllib2.urlopen("" + res["next_page"])
    res = simplejson.load(fp)
Jed Smith

you cannot append into a can append into your list inside your dict,you should do like this


if you want to check if there is no next page value in your result dict,and you want to delete the key from the dict,just do like this

if not result['next_page']:
    del result['next_page']