




I'm using:

echo $javascript->link('tools.overlay-1.0.4', false);

which is initialized with:

    expose: '#000000',
    close: '.close_overlay',
    finish: {
        top: 'center',
        left: 'center',
        absolute: false

I call the overlay popup box like this:

echo $html->link(
    "add part",
    array('class'=>'js-ajax overlay_popup',

This all works fine and dandy, however I have an ajax function that dynamically adds the "add part" hyperlink button shown above and I have no idea how to bind this new button to the overlay. Normally, I would use something like this:

$(".overlay_popup").bind("click", function(){... but this didn't work for the overlay. Any ideas on how I can successfully do this?


Use the jQuery live( type, fn ) method.

$(".overlay_popup").live("click", function(){...}) binds your handler to all currently matched elements but also to all new elements, which match your selector, too.

well .live does not work in my website at all for some reason. I originally tried that instead of bind but was only able to get bind to work. This however is not an issue. The problem is that the overlay is not a "click" state. I think the above $(".overlay_popup").overlay({}) needs to be set up before the element is clicked on. So one issue is I have no idea what state to bind it to.... and the other issue is whether the function just contains the $(".overlay_popup").overlay({}). I think I tried all these variations and nothing worked.
Hooman Ahmadi
`live` was introduced with jquery 1.3, so check that you're still not using 1.2.6?

Can someone please help me with this? I have really tried everything and nothing works

Hooman Ahmadi

i have a solution, sorry for my bad english...

this is de solution:

in the librarie tools.overlay-1.1.2.js add the next code before of function overlay():

 $.fn.addObjectToOverlay = function(element, confOverlay){
  el = new Overlay($(element), confOverlay);
  $(this).data("overlay", el);

 // jQuery plugin initialization
 $.fn.overlay = function(conf) {

then you have to call the function like this

$video = $(respuesta);
$video.css("display", "none");
$.each($video.find('.linkRMTP'), function (index, obj){
 $video.addObjectToOverlay(obj, confOverlay);

the variable "confOverlay" is the configuration of my overlay, example:

confOverlay = { 
   effect: 'drop', 
   expose: '#789',
   closeOnClick : false,
   fastInSpeed : 'fast',
   onBeforeLoad: function(){
    idVideo = $(this.getTrigger()).attr("idVideo");
    idiomaActual = $(this.getTrigger()).attr("idiomaActual");
    onBeforeLoad(idVideo, idiomaActual);
   onLoad: function(){
    $("#contenedorVideo > *").remove();
    url= $(this.getTrigger()).attr('link');
   onClose: function (){
    $("#contenedorVideo > *").remove();

so thats all that you have to do for the overlay worked with new create elements in real time.

Atte. Salvador Romero

Salvador Romero
I have responded with comment above
Hooman Ahmadi

Salvador, I have added the code below but it still doesn't work properly. Am I doing something incorrectly? Please let me know. I also have link('tools.overlay-1.0.4', true);?> at the top of the document.

   $.fn.addObjectToOverlay = function(element, confOverlay){
     el = new Overlay($(element), confOverlay);
     $(this).data("overlay", el);

   confOverlay = {
    expose: '#000000',
    close: '.close_overlay',
    finish: {
     top: 'center',
     left: 'center',
     absolute: false

   $(".overlay_popup").addObjectToOverlay(obj, confOverlay);
Hooman Ahmadi

Sorry for answers late change the function with this code

$.fn.addObjectToOverlay = function(element, confOverlay){ 
    if ($.isFunction(confOverlay)) {
        conf = {onBeforeLoad: confOverlay}; 

    var globals = $.extend({}, $.tools.overlay.conf); 
    confOverlay = $.extend(true, globals, confOverlay);
    el = new Overlay($(element), confOverlay);
    $(this).data("overlay", el);
    return confOverlay.api ? el: this;
Salvador Romero

Why don't you use the API.load in the click event?

var overlayDiv = $(".overlay_popup").overlay({expose: '#000000', close: '.close_overlay',   finish: { top: 'center', left: 'center', absolute: false }});

$(".overlay_popup").bind("click", function(){overlayDiv.load();})
