Hi all
Background: I have a UITableView showing an image in each cell. These images are all part of a big pdf-file. So what I am doing is actually rendering little pdf-parts in those UITableViewCells, each cell displaying just one piece. Therefore I add a UIView to the contentview of the cell and render the view on demand. Rendering these pdf-parts is expensive and each takes about 0.2 seconds (only drawing the Pdf-part), which slows the scrolling of the table terrible down.
Idea: Now, I know there may be a solution when I look how UIImage renders URL-based images. If you create a UIImage based on a url, these images are rendered somehow delayed. E.g have a look at the iTunes-App. Smooth scrolling is possible, each image is displayed unrendered and after rendering is finished it appears smoothly.
Problem: How can I render an expensive rendering in a UITableViewCell like described above, by somehow showing the cell delayed? Has anybody an idea, how Apple solved it within UIImageView?
Thanks in advance