I'm building an iphone app and I've got a table view with some textfields inside the cells, the content of the fields is set in viewWillAppear (its a grouped TableView w/ 3 fields that are always the same). The content of the text fields is retrieved from getter methods that return values from various class variables.
The problem I'm having is the getter seems to be returning the original value, not the value that is modified by the setter method. The class variable is an NSMutableString. Is it possible the view is caching the method call?
//header file
@implementation ManageWorkoutViewController : UIViewController {
NSMutableString *workoutDifficulty;
-(void)setWorkoutDifficulty:(NSString *)value;
-(NSString *)getWorkoutDifficulty;
//implementation file
-(NSString *)getWorkoutDifficulty {
if (nil == workoutDifficulty) {
workoutDifficulty = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"Easy"];
NSLog(@"getter: Returning workoutDifficulty as: %@", workoutDifficulty);
return workoutDifficulty;
} //end getWorkoutDifficulty
-(void)setWorkoutDifficulty:(NSString *)value {
workoutDifficulty = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", value];
NSLog(@"setter: workoutDifficulty set as: %@", workoutDifficulty);
}//end setWorkoutDifficulty
//elsewhere in the implementation another table view is
//pushed onto the nav controller to allow the user to pick
//the difficulty. The initial value comes from the getter
workoutDifficultyController.title = @"Workout Difficulty";
[workoutDifficultyController setOriginalDifficulty:[self getWorkoutDifficulty]];
[tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];
[(UINavigationController *)self.parentViewController pushViewController:workoutDifficultyController
//then in that workoutDifficultyController it calls back into the first controller to set the selected value:
[manageWorkoutController setWorkoutDifficulty:selectedDifficulty];