



I have two datagrid components and I would like to drag one column from one component to the other. I have been trying several methods but I couldnt acomplish that. Can anybody help me with this?


What you want to do is to disable a column on the first datagrid and enable it on the second. You have to listen to DRAG_START events, find what field is the target column, and hide it on the first datagrid when the drag succeeds. Then you use a symetrical approach for the second datagrid...

I guess you will have to create a custom drag proxy visual component if you want it to be visually coherent.

Good luck =)

Julien Nicoulaud
I'm trying to do something like that. I have added this property to advancedDataGrid component (dragStart="dragStart(event)" ) and created this function:public function dragStart(event:MouseEvent):{ var; var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource(); dragSource.addData(column,'advancedDataGridColumn'); DragManager.doDrag(column, dragSource, event);}My first problems is the function is not being called and the other problem I get an error in the last line of the function.can't do conversion AdvancedDataGridColumn to IUIComponent