I have a Flex application and I would like to add the FlowPlayer to it. I have downloaded the flowplayer.swc file, but I am not sure what to add to my MXML to include the flowplayer.
see if this helps: http://flowplayer.org/documentation/developer/development-environment.html
2009-11-04 19:14:10
I hope there is an easier solution than compiling the FlowPlayer into my Flex project.
2009-11-05 19:16:56
I like FlowPlayer my self, but why did you decide to use FlowPlayer for your Flex App? Just wondering.
2009-11-05 21:45:11
We have FlowPlayer on our web site and I would like to match the FlowPlayer design and functionality in a Flex application I am creating for the site.
2009-11-06 18:51:04
I see, well good luck with the compilation if thats what you will end up doing.
2009-11-07 05:24:28