



What is difference between Windows Sharepoint Service and MOSS (Microsoft office Sharepoint). If I have the WSS 3.0 installed in my machine, I can create a sharepoint site, using Sharepoint Designer and Inforpath. Then why do I need MOSS 2007 (WSS 3.0 being free for download).

+4  A: 

A lot of the added functionality (and improvements, seemingly specifically with Search at least) are gained from MOSS2007. Have a nosey at the full feature comparison on the MS site for further details maybe.

Specifically, I think the Workflow and document management improvements are where you may get your 'wins' from. With a bit of a setup overhead initially, it can replace a number of otherwise complicated collaborative tasks which require a number of people.

Going to look at the feature comparison answers the list of differences - basically you need MOSS if you want to do something that WSS doesn't do...
+1  A: 

SharePoint Services provides many features not included in WSS, some examples being Web Content Management (Publishing) and Enterprise Search.

Mike Knowles
SharePoint Services IS WSS. I'm guessing you mean MOSS there...

MOSS also enables you to specify audiences for your lists. Which is quite useful in an enterprise environment.
