




Hi, just want to share my experience modelling the web page layouts: PowerPoint seems to be a really fast prototyping environment when it comes to Web design. Just wondering if anyone is using PPT as well, and whether there is a better choice for a fast drag-and-drop tool for that purpose?


What you are looking for are wireframing tools, there are many of them, I'm not aware of any good free ones, but I've tried "axureRP pro" and it seems pretty decent. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Fireworks offer wireframing tools too.

Soufiane Hassou
+3  A: 

Balsamiq is a great web or desktop based tool that my company uses for iPhone and web wireframes. Mockingbird is another great tool that is fairly new. On the Mac, OmniGraffle is also quite popular.

Personally, I prefer pen and paper then Photoshop.

Sam Soffes

I have recently been working with Hot Gloo. I haven't done much wireframing before this so I don't have much to compare it to but it has a slick interface and very easy to learn.

Other than this, I primarily use Photoshop or just a plain old notebook to sketch out a layout.


I think ForeUI is quite suitable for you . It's a fast drag-and-drop tool.