




This was an onsite interview question and I was baffled.

I was asked to write a Hello world program for linux.. That too without using any libraries in the system. I think I have to use system calls or something.. The code should run using -nostdlib and -nostartfiles option..

It would be great if someone could help..

+9  A: 

Have a look at example 4 (won't win a prize for portability):

#include <syscall.h>

void syscall1(int num, int arg1)
      /* output */    :
      /* input  */    "a"(num), "b"(arg1)
      /* clobbered */ );

void syscall3(int num, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
  asm("int\t$0x80\n\t" :
      /* output */     :
      /* input  */    "a"(num), "b"(arg1), "c"(arg2), "d"(arg3) 
      /* clobbered */ );

char str[] = "Hello, world!\n";

int _start()
  syscall3(SYS_write, 0, (int) str, sizeof(str)-1);
  syscall1(SYS_exit,  0);

Edit: as pointed out by Zan Lynx below, the first argument to sys_write is the file descriptor. Thus this code does the uncommon thing of writing "Hello, world!\n" to stdin (fd 0) instead of stdout (fd 1).

I think you want file descriptor 1 in your write syscall.
Zan Lynx
Hey, you're right. I see that in nearly all examples on that linked page he writes to stdin instead of stdout.

You'd have to talk to the OS directly. You could write to file descriptor 1, (stdout), by doing:

#include <unistd.h>

int main()
    write(1, "Hello World\n", 12);
Charles Salvia
And where do you believe "write" comes from?
Employed Russian

What about a shell script? I didn't see any programming language requirement in the question.

echo "Hello World!"
Even if `echo(1)` _doesn't_ use the C standard library at all, I'm pretty sure there's an implicit "C" language here (or at least a compiled language).
Chris Lutz
The OP specified gcc compiler flags, which pretty much indicates that they had C in mind here
Charles Salvia
+2  A: 

How about writing it in pure assembly as in the example presented in the following link?

John Scipione
+15  A: 
$ cat > hwa.S
write = 0x04
exit  = 0xfc
        movl    $1, %ebx
        lea     str, %ecx
        movl    $len, %edx
        movl    $write, %eax
        int     $0x80
        xorl    %ebx, %ebx
        movl    $exit, %eax
        int     $0x80
str:    .ascii "Hello, world!\n"
len = . -str
.globl  _start
$ as -o hwa.o hwa.S
$ ld hwa.o
$ ./a.out
Hello, world!
Writes device drivers off the top of his head using only cat...
could you give an "assembly for dummies" explanation of the code?
@Amro: sure, I've pasted a commented version to:
I have no idea if this would work, but if it does, it gets +1 for awesomeness, and if it doesn't, it gets +1 for chutzpah.
Bob Murphy