Thanks Rob, I really appreciated your reply.
While testing it out. I found an alternate that was even simpler for what I needed. I hope you find this useful too.
The Blend Object is lets you create an array of Positions X% of the way from start to finish. You also create a matching array of Percent mix of the colors at that point eg: 0= all one colour & 1= all the other.
I then created a Brush that was exactly the same height as my chart.
I then set the Blend property of the Brush to my Blend object. And Created a Pen using the Brush.
This let me draw the line anywhere once, as it passed the height of my Blend transition points it magically changed colour.
if (enableThresholdColors) { // Color the extreme values a different color
int Threshold = (thresholdValue < 50 ? 100 - thresholdValue : thresholdValue);
float UpperThreshold = ((float) Threshold) / 100f;
float LowerThreshold = ((float) 100 - Threshold) / 100f;
LinearGradientBrush br = new LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle(20, bounds.Top, 30, bounds.Height ), Plots[0].Pen.Color, colorThreshold, 90);
Blend bl = new Blend();
// --- this colors the Extreme values the same color ---
bl.Factors = new float[] {1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
// --- this colors the Extreme values the opposite color & transitions the line ---
// bl.Factors = new float[] {1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
bl.Positions = new float[]{0, LowerThreshold, LowerThreshold, UpperThreshold, UpperThreshold, 1.0f};
br.Blend = bl;
// --- for testing - show where the threshold is. ---
// graphics.FillRectangle( br, new Rectangle(50, bounds.Top, 400, bounds.Height));
Pen stocPen = new Pen(br, Plots[0].Pen.Width);
stocPen.DashStyle = Plots[0].Pen.DashStyle;
graphics.DrawPath(stocPen, path);
} else { // Color the entire line all the same color
graphics.DrawPath(Plots[0].Pen, path);