



Hi All,

I've been using resharper with the resharper automplete off (just find VS better for my purposes currently), but despite trying every setting I've tried, whenever I use a resharper template (such as tab-completing an if -> if block), the resharper autocomplete dialog comes up in addition to the visual studio dialog (thus if they don't autocomplete to the same thing, or I accidentally hit enter, whatever I originally typed is replaced with the wrong resharper suggestion, effectively highlighting why I turned it off in the first place).

A. Has anyone every seen this before? (I ask since I might have turned on/off a number of settings in a strange/incompatible way and perhaps a clean install might clear it up.)

B. Any suggestions? :)

(Visual Studio 08 SP1, Resharper 4.5.2 - only other tools installed are DevExpress, but they have long since been disabled)

Thanks all!


Removing resharper might be a good place to start. You might also want to clean up any registry errors that might be hanging around on your system. Close VS, reboot sytem, repeat as necessary until you're sure that you have a clean system again. Then reinstall resharper and see if you're still fighting conflicts.

Good luck!


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