I have write a simple example that adds a canvas and draw a rectangle with stroke size 20 scale mode none.
The problem is that if I call getBounds() first time I will get a correct result but after I call scale(); the getBounds() function will give me a wrong result.
It will take in cosideration the stroke but stroke has scalemode to none and on the screen nothing happens but in the result I will have a x value smaller. Can sombody tell me how can I fix this ?
protected var display :Canvas;
protected function addCanvas():void
display = new Canvas();
display.x = display.y = 50;
display.width = 100;
display.height = 100;
display.graphics.lineStyle( 20, 0x000000, 0.5, true, LineScaleMode.NONE );
display.graphics.beginFill( 0xff0000, 1 );
display.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
area.addChild( display );
protected function scale():void
var m :Matrix = display.transform.matrix;
var apply :Matrix = new Matrix();
apply.scale( 2, 1 );
apply.concat( m );
display.transform.matrix = apply;
protected function traceBounce():void
trace( display.getBounds( this ) );