




For some fonts, it's easy to replace the default font with something like: \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{somefont}.

However, some fonts, like BrushScriptX want you to use a special command like \bsifamily to use the font. In the

\bsifamily is defined in /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/brushscr/pbsi.sty:


In this case, I have a document that uses a cls stylesheet that I am editing. I'm using the standard includes to use this font:


If I try to use \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{bpsi} in my document's template, it fails with the error: Font shape `T1/pbsi/m/n' undefined

What might be the best way to replace the default roman font with BrushScriptX in a template, like \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{otherfont} would?

+3  A: 

If you look inside pbsi.sty you'll find


Therefore, to set this font as the default — ugh :) — you'll need to write


(\mddefault is the default "non-bold" series used in running text.)

Will Robertson
P.S. I had no idea this font existed (not that I'd ever gone looking). No wonder TeX Live is multi-GB to download, although documentation is a large chunk of the total...
Will Robertson
Thanks! With what you said and `\renewcommand\bfdefault{xl}`, it worked. Rest at ease - I'm not going to actually use that font in particular; it was just an example that I could get working so that I could see how several different fonts look in this document.