I recently started reading Paul Grahams 'On Lisp', and learning learning clojure along with it, so there's probably some really obvious error in here, but I can't see it: (its a project euler problem, obviously)
(ns net.projecteuler.problem31)
(def paths (ref #{}))
; apply fun to all elements of coll for which pred-fun returns true
(defn apply-if [pred-fun fun coll]
(apply fun (filter pred-fun coll)))
(defn make-combination-counter [coin-values]
(fn recurse
([sum] (recurse sum 0 '()))
([max-sum current-sum coin-path]
(if (= max-sum current-sum)
; if we've recursed to the bottom, add current path to paths
(dosync (ref-set paths (conj @paths (sort coin-path))))
; else go on recursing
(apply-if (fn [x] (<= (+ current-sum x) max-sum))
(fn [x] (recurse max-sum (+ x current-sum) (cons x coin-path)))
(def count-currency-combinations (make-combination-counter '(1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200)))
(count-currency-combinations 200)
When I run the last line in the REPL, i get the error:
<#CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of args passed to: problem31$eval--25$make-combination-counter--27$recurse--29$fn (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)>
Apart from the question where the error is, the more interesting question would be: How would one debug this? The error message isn't very helpful, and I haven't found a good way to single-step clojure code, and I can't really ask on stack overflow every time I have a problem.