Do you think any part of "The Pragmatic Programmer" book is no longer relevant? Has any part of the book become more relevant/useful?
7Over the years, the "no broken windows" rule gains significance from what I see regarding coding in our environment.
I don't think that any part has become obsolete.
This is the beauty of software-development related books that do not focus on specific technologies.
The great thing about the Pragmatic Programmer is that little (perhaps none?) of it is technology-specific. I still refer to it today, 10 years later, and I think it's the most relevant book in my bookshelf even now.
I can't think of much that isn't relevant today. Similarly, look at the Mythical Man-Month... how many lessons in that book are still relevant? The funny/sad thing is we (as an industry) are still constantly forgetting the lessons presented in those books, decades later.
It's one of the rare almost timeless pieces.. But 'tracer bullets' is being challenged in many fast-paced environments.
Good practice is fairly timeless. Many of its tips, like designing for concurrency whenever possible, are if anything more relevant than ever.
The tip "Use a Single Editor Well" I think is becoming less relevant. IDEs are becoming more specialized to the languages they support. Most people wouldn't(or couldn't) use the same editor/IDE for Java/.NET/Objective-C etc...
I'll use my text editor of choice when I can, but I'm not going to use anything but VisualStudio to program in .NET on windows.
Perhaps I'm nitpicking that point, and the authors implied non-GUI development?
CVS you don't want. Page I marked from 2000 ediion is page 179, common O() notation, added distributed algorithm runtime.