There might be a way to match up tests (either test cases or test suites) to required features or user stories.
For example, if you have n required features and 1 test suite per feature, you would expect to obtain n test suites. If you have more than n test suites, you might have implemented or are possibly going to implement (since the tests are written before the feature, you might have written the test but not implemented the feature).
The only downside is if you do things incrementally - you might have n required features, implementing m in an iteration, there's no way to just look at the numbers to say that all m implemented features are required features - you would have to write tests for ALL features first.
I would not place to much emphasis on this technique - and I highly doubt it would work in practice. It requires you to specify that you have n tests per feature or put all tests of a particular feature into a test suite. It might be too limiting or imposing on your developers. On top of that - it might not even work. A developer could write tests for an unrequired feature and put it in the test suite for a different feature.